Monday, May 19, 2014

Today Was the Best Day of My Life


Today was the best day of my life. It's not that it was extraordinary. It's not that my life usually sucks and today I had a better day. It's because I chose too. Now before you leave my blog hear me out. I told myself "Today is going to be the best day of my life." about a million times this morning and it it got into my sub-conscious thought. Many times today I thought to myself "is this exactly what I want to be doing at this exact moment." If it wasn't I changed it up. By the end of the day I decided that I had a flippen awesome day and that I am going to tell myself "Today is going to be the best day of my life." again tomorrow.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Gumbo for the fam

½ lb of bacon: cut into small pieces and fry in the skillet, pan, or pot you plan on using the whole time. (Save on dishes)!

1 lb Andouille sausage: fry in bacon fat, cool, then cut into bite size pieces

1 lb chicken: fry in bacon fat, cool, then cut into bite size pieces or you can do .5 lb chicken and .5 lbs of shrimp

1 large onion: dice

4 celery stalks: dice
2 large green peppers: dice

1 stick of butter: add to bacon fat and melt
1 cup of flour: pour into fat and brown. Stir constantly for 10 minutes. After that you can let it sit a few minutes at a time until desired browness. DO NOT BURN (if you do throw away and start over). Some people like light brown while others like it chocolate colored. (I like it light).

Mix the following ingredients into a bowl
2 tblsp smoked paprika
1 tblsp garlic
1 tbls oregano
1 tbls thyme
1.5 tsp of cayenne pepper
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp white pepper

Add diced veggies to roux cook for about 2-4 minutes on medium stir and cook another 2-4 minutes.

8 cups of chicken broth: heat to a boil and add to roux,
chicken pieces: add to roux
¾ of the prepared spices: add to roux
Simmer for 90-120 minutes

16 oz of frozen okra: add to gumbo
Andouille sausage: add to gumbo
Heat to a boil
Add the rest of the spices, or save some for people to add to taste

Serve over white rice and top with bacon

Freeze leftovers

Story Time

My 5 year old likes us to tell stories every night. My husband is awesome at telling stories so I am going to write them down.

The Cookie Town

Once upon a time there was a cookie town. And all of the people in the cookie town made cookies. There was Charlie the chocolate chip cookie champion. Sally the cookie sandwich queen, and Billy the cookieless kid.
Though Billy couldn't make make any cookies he wasn't completely out of luck. The cookie castle in cookie town housed the most spectacular, brilliantly, delicious, magical cookie in the whole world. This cookie was called the hope cookie. One nibble from the hope cookie could make anyone one an awesome cookie maker.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cookie repeat

So I took the recipe from yesterday and actually kept track of my flour. All it takes is 1/2 a cup more flour per batch and you have amazing cookies. Looks like Nick will be taking more cookies to work with him!!!

Breast feeding. If any of you know someone who has trouble breast feeding, that is me. Well I began giving my little love muffin rice cereal and since then he is totally breast. The small amount of cereal he gets a day keeps him full enough so I do not have to make him any formula. Even though it is cheating it still feels like I am finally feeding my kid all breast milk!! Yea!

Best crumble topping recipe is right here

what I wanna do

Hello blog world. I have a few things I would like to do with my life. These are not in any specific order. I would like to be a best seller of something, be it a book, movie, or product. I would like to own at least 2 more successful businesses. I'd like to get down to 150 pounds. I'd like to change the nutrition in our schools.  I'd like to get to bed before midnight. I'd like to solely breastfeed. That is it.
Last night I made the best butterscotch cookies in the world. I pretty much followed the recipe except for the fact that I lost count when I was slowly adding in the flour 1/4 scoop at a time. I hope I can mimic them! Nick my husband will be taking the rest to work with him today. They are just too good to have around the house! I ate 4 last night and it wasn't even stress eating or anything like that. Well Oroonoko my almost 5 month old is telling me I am done for now.,1910,156189-236193,00.html is where I got the recipe.